This was a much needed weekend off and away for me. I've been working a pretty random schedule for the last little while at work, and last week I worked a week of nights to end it all. I don't do well with working nights--to put it mildly. Any extended period working nights calls for medication. So Friday morning when I got home I was very excited and ready for the weekend. This is what I came home to.....

Porter always migrates to this corner of the bed. It doesn't matter where you put him in the bed, he will end up here. We've started him with his feet touching the other end, but it doesn't matter. And Thursday night, we had an escapee arm.....

He played in his exersaucer while I packed his stuff. He has started to figure the thing out, but this is the only toy he plays with right now.

He had to visit the ducks when we got home. They've grown so much since last weekend. I don't think he really cared about them one way or the other. He was staring off into space most of the time. We just put the duck in front of where he was looking to make it look like he was looking at the duck.

Saturday morning we took Porter, Catherine, and Caroline to the Easter Parade and Easter Egg Hunt at FBC.

And Saturday afternoon, Porter "swam" in the hot tub at Nana and Papa's. I think he enjoyed it. He didn't cry, so I count it. He will probably enjoy it more when he can float in one of the little baby boats. He can't quite sit up well enough to handle that yet.

The Easter Bunny came. Porter was still a little sleepy and trying to wake up. He got 2 outfits, a bib, a crayon holder and crayons, sunglasses, and lots of chocolate (I worked a deal with the Easter Bunny).

He looked very handsome in his Easter man-suit. It's very masculine and shows off his muscles. (His Daddy was worried about gender identity issues--he doesn't even know what we could have dressed him in.....)