Jared took him this morning for his checkup. They weighed him on the big scale and he was holding on, so the 20.6 lbs is not right. He was 22 lbs last time he went a couple of weeks ago. The baby scale was broken, so they just had to make do He was 31 inches tall, and that was standing up against the wall like a big boy!!! He has gone from the 3rd percentile for height, to the 80th percentile. He is still kinda skinny, but I imagine that it's because he's going to be like his daddy. We have definitely noticed how fast he has been growing because we keep going through clothes so fast.
He got 2 shots, and did really well. He doesn't seem too bothered by them. He got to see his girlfriend (one of the nurses he always flirts with), and Dr Peterson said he was very well mannered (he gets that from his mama ;) ).
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Job update
I don't think I've posted the latest about the job search. Jared got a call last week that he is no longer being considered for one of the jobs he was interviewing for. He company decided to hire someone already in the company. That's great for somebody, but not great for us. He really wanted the other job, but that job is going to be harder to get because it is much more highly sought after. He is continuing to apply for things and hasn't heard anything on the "big" job. So for now I am trying to train hm to be a house husband.
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Vacation/thanksgiving week
Jared is driving, so I am free to blog. So, here's how it all went down....
Sunday: I got off my 24 hour call and went to Jared's parent's house to pick up Porter. He didn't have a good night there, and was still asleep. After we got home, I got us packed. Porter took his morning nap while I showered and loaded up the truck. We ate mini corn dogs for lunch and hit the road. We stopped by barnes and noble on the way out of town for a couple of new board books for Porter. He loves books, but doesn't have many baby friendly books at home. We got Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? and five little monkeys jumping on the bed. He slept most of the way to my parents house. Sunday evening we had dairy queen for supper (big deal for me--we don't have a dairy queen on mobile or Daphne), and wrestled porter for a while. We did not have a good night. He did not go to bed easy and woke up many times during the night.
Monday: We got up, go dressed and gave Porter breakfast. We went by sugar rush for coffee and a muffin and took porter to my nannie's for the day while mama and I went to Montgomery to get mama's car serviced. We shopped a little while the car was getting worked on, and at lunch at Lek's Railroad Thai restaurant (really good). We picked up porter from nannie's when we got back in town, and headed home. We had lasagna for supper, and porter liked it! He did better at bedtime.
Tuesday: Mama and I had hair appointments! This was a great day for me because I really really needed highlights and a haircut. Porter had his one year portraits and all the grandhildren had their picture made with nana and papa for Christmas cards. Mama made Santa fe soup for supper, which is a favortie cold weather meal.
Wednesday: Porter and I packed up and headed back to Daphne. We went over to Jared's parent's house to visit with aunt moth ball (Jared's sister) and uncle mark, who were in town from St Pete. Aunt Kim and Uncle Robbie were there too. Wednesday afternoon we worked on our Christmas tree, but it is currently half done because we need more lights.
Thursday: Jared smoked the wild hog he had shot at the hunting camp, porter and I watched the thanksgiving day parade, and we packed again. I made a hashbrowm casserole to take to Jared's parent's house for lunch and we were off again--all in one car this time. We had lunch at the Harden house and looked at all the sale papers to plan our attack for black Friday. After porter's nap, we headed to Andalusia for thanksgiving #2. We had a great supper there, and went to bed early.
Friday: Jared got up at really really early to fight the crowds at wal-Mary. Yes, he really did. He got a tv, shop vac, kitchen aid mixer, and a couple of surprises for people that I can't tell. After breakfast we packed again, and headed to Destin for the weekend. We met the Mason's there. We watched the Iron Bowl, which was not very enjoyable for me. The guys got us steaks to grill to go with our leftovers from thanksgiving. Yummy! We bathed all the boys and put them to bed.
Saturday: The guys got up early to go hunting. Sissy and I got up early because the boys did. They were all whiny and had a cough and runny nose, so we cancelled our beach trip to play in the sand. We strolled around Destin commons for a little while, and made a quick stop by gymboree. We watched the Florida vs Florida state game that afternoon (Sissy and Daran are florida alumni). We went to Cantina Laredo in the new Grand boulevard shopping center for an early dinner. It is an upscale Mexican place that I found using he urbanspoon app on my phone. It was great! The boys did surprisingly well for all not feeling great and Porter ate the whole time we were there--seriously.
Sunday: the guys went hunting again. Porter slept in!!! (6:20) Sissy and I cleaned up the house and packed all our stuff. We left about 1:00, and now you are caught up with the present.
It's been a very busy week, and as always, I need a vacation from my vacation!!!

P.S. It's not a good idea to take those keys away from Porter.
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Sunday: I got off my 24 hour call and went to Jared's parent's house to pick up Porter. He didn't have a good night there, and was still asleep. After we got home, I got us packed. Porter took his morning nap while I showered and loaded up the truck. We ate mini corn dogs for lunch and hit the road. We stopped by barnes and noble on the way out of town for a couple of new board books for Porter. He loves books, but doesn't have many baby friendly books at home. We got Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? and five little monkeys jumping on the bed. He slept most of the way to my parents house. Sunday evening we had dairy queen for supper (big deal for me--we don't have a dairy queen on mobile or Daphne), and wrestled porter for a while. We did not have a good night. He did not go to bed easy and woke up many times during the night.
Monday: We got up, go dressed and gave Porter breakfast. We went by sugar rush for coffee and a muffin and took porter to my nannie's for the day while mama and I went to Montgomery to get mama's car serviced. We shopped a little while the car was getting worked on, and at lunch at Lek's Railroad Thai restaurant (really good). We picked up porter from nannie's when we got back in town, and headed home. We had lasagna for supper, and porter liked it! He did better at bedtime.
Tuesday: Mama and I had hair appointments! This was a great day for me because I really really needed highlights and a haircut. Porter had his one year portraits and all the grandhildren had their picture made with nana and papa for Christmas cards. Mama made Santa fe soup for supper, which is a favortie cold weather meal.
Wednesday: Porter and I packed up and headed back to Daphne. We went over to Jared's parent's house to visit with aunt moth ball (Jared's sister) and uncle mark, who were in town from St Pete. Aunt Kim and Uncle Robbie were there too. Wednesday afternoon we worked on our Christmas tree, but it is currently half done because we need more lights.
Thursday: Jared smoked the wild hog he had shot at the hunting camp, porter and I watched the thanksgiving day parade, and we packed again. I made a hashbrowm casserole to take to Jared's parent's house for lunch and we were off again--all in one car this time. We had lunch at the Harden house and looked at all the sale papers to plan our attack for black Friday. After porter's nap, we headed to Andalusia for thanksgiving #2. We had a great supper there, and went to bed early.
Friday: Jared got up at really really early to fight the crowds at wal-Mary. Yes, he really did. He got a tv, shop vac, kitchen aid mixer, and a couple of surprises for people that I can't tell. After breakfast we packed again, and headed to Destin for the weekend. We met the Mason's there. We watched the Iron Bowl, which was not very enjoyable for me. The guys got us steaks to grill to go with our leftovers from thanksgiving. Yummy! We bathed all the boys and put them to bed.
Saturday: The guys got up early to go hunting. Sissy and I got up early because the boys did. They were all whiny and had a cough and runny nose, so we cancelled our beach trip to play in the sand. We strolled around Destin commons for a little while, and made a quick stop by gymboree. We watched the Florida vs Florida state game that afternoon (Sissy and Daran are florida alumni). We went to Cantina Laredo in the new Grand boulevard shopping center for an early dinner. It is an upscale Mexican place that I found using he urbanspoon app on my phone. It was great! The boys did surprisingly well for all not feeling great and Porter ate the whole time we were there--seriously.
Sunday: the guys went hunting again. Porter slept in!!! (6:20) Sissy and I cleaned up the house and packed all our stuff. We left about 1:00, and now you are caught up with the present.
It's been a very busy week, and as always, I need a vacation from my vacation!!!
P.S. It's not a good idea to take those keys away from Porter.
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My bottomless pit
We go from one extreme to the other. This is the 2nd time he's eaten today. Yesterday afternoon he had bunch of cheezits before we web to dinner, then he had goldfish the whole time he was waiting on his food. He had chicken fingers and fries the whole time we were eating, and when those were gone, he had a half a bag of yogurt melts and about 15 nilla wafers. But I'm definitely not complaining.

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Sunrise at the Beachhouse
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Rub a dub dub
Thursday, November 26, 2009
7 teeth!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Porter's First Haircut
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
These are weird
Sunday, November 22, 2009
6 teeth!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My accomodations
I am on call for 24 hours today at the med center. Porter is with his nannie and paw paw. Here is my lovely call room.

Yes, it is a room in the hospital with 2 beds and a desk. And yes, it is pretty gross. Hopefully I have less than 10 24 hour shifts here ever!!! We (myself and the other chief residents, but mostly myself) have recently proposed a new call schedule that would give me every other weekend off and make the night rotation on 5 nights a week instead of 6. This would be a major improvement to my quality of life because I currently work every weekend, and would have to do this for 7 months of this year. That seems a little unreasonable to us, and to our new chairman, but not to our program director. I showed him the schedule last night and he said no, however, our chairman wants to all meet together about it today. Please say a little prayer that these changes go through. We all need some relief from our already draining schedule. Working 80 hours a week is bad enough, and they could make it more humane.
While we're on the topic of prayer requets, thanks for the job prayers. Jared's interview this week went well, and he will know if he gets to go to the next step early next week. He has another interview Tuesday morning at 8:00 am. He feels good about both opportunities.
Ok, I've got to go do a little work. We got 3 burns this morning.
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Yes, it is a room in the hospital with 2 beds and a desk. And yes, it is pretty gross. Hopefully I have less than 10 24 hour shifts here ever!!! We (myself and the other chief residents, but mostly myself) have recently proposed a new call schedule that would give me every other weekend off and make the night rotation on 5 nights a week instead of 6. This would be a major improvement to my quality of life because I currently work every weekend, and would have to do this for 7 months of this year. That seems a little unreasonable to us, and to our new chairman, but not to our program director. I showed him the schedule last night and he said no, however, our chairman wants to all meet together about it today. Please say a little prayer that these changes go through. We all need some relief from our already draining schedule. Working 80 hours a week is bad enough, and they could make it more humane.
While we're on the topic of prayer requets, thanks for the job prayers. Jared's interview this week went well, and he will know if he gets to go to the next step early next week. He has another interview Tuesday morning at 8:00 am. He feels good about both opportunities.
Ok, I've got to go do a little work. We got 3 burns this morning.
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Me and my little buddy
We had the house all to ourselves last night---Jared left yesterday afternoon to go hunting. We had chicken and fries for supper (porter's favorite) and folded clothes. I folded and porter unfolded. He had an especially good time in the tub last night. He thought it was hilarious to put his face on the shower curtain and let me tickle his face through the curtain. And he crawled back and forth in the tub with a little squeaky football in his mouth until water was splashing over the edge. Bathtime is such a fun time with him. He loves it.

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Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Feeding the cows
On the road
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
On the farm
Porter has really been enjoying all his new toys. I guess he was just bored with all his old ones, because he's really been entertained by playing with his toys the lady few days. There are these little vegetables on his farm toy that you "feed" to the cow, and tonight we fed vegetables to the cow over and over for about 20 minutes. There are also eggs that go in the chicken's basket, but he prefers to throw them He is definitley feeling better too, so that may be part of it.
He is so incredibly close to cutting the two top teeth that have been bothering him that I feel like checking every few minutes to see if they're through. It can't possibly be more than a day or two before they are through.
He is pointing at everything and talking some language that I don't know, dancing to any music, shaking his head "no" all the time, trying to stand up alone more, and getting more brave with cruising.

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He is so incredibly close to cutting the two top teeth that have been bothering him that I feel like checking every few minutes to see if they're through. It can't possibly be more than a day or two before they are through.
He is pointing at everything and talking some language that I don't know, dancing to any music, shaking his head "no" all the time, trying to stand up alone more, and getting more brave with cruising.
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Interview update
Today's interview went really well, and Jared will get a third interview with his company sometime later this week or early next week.
For those that don't know why we've been making such a big deal about job interviews, jared's former company recently went through a restructuring, and he was not included in the new structure. He got the phone call the day I had my kidney stone procedure. Bad day. So jared's been working very hard since then (seriously--he has) to polish up his resume and send in applications. He really wants to stay in medical sales, and I would agree that it is the right fit for him. He's very good at it, and was happy at his last job. His background is perfect for it too. Hopefully these interviews will lead to a job!
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For those that don't know why we've been making such a big deal about job interviews, jared's former company recently went through a restructuring, and he was not included in the new structure. He got the phone call the day I had my kidney stone procedure. Bad day. So jared's been working very hard since then (seriously--he has) to polish up his resume and send in applications. He really wants to stay in medical sales, and I would agree that it is the right fit for him. He's very good at it, and was happy at his last job. His background is perfect for it too. Hopefully these interviews will lead to a job!
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Interview update
Jared has a phone interview this morning, and an interview in Birmingham on Wednesday. Both companies he is interviewing with want to hire before the thanksgiving holiday. I hope we are on the hired end of that. Thanks again to everybody remembering us in their prayers!
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
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