Rewind about 1 year and we were still waiting on our shower to be finished and using the extra bathroom for showers and our bathroom for everything else. We are still waiting for the shower door to be replaced so we can begin using it again.
Rewind a couple of months and we were pulling our hair out trying to figure out how to make porter sleep all night. And we are there again. He's been slowly and steadily working his way from waking up once a night to last night's recent high of three. Loud reprimanding and door slamming was involved twice, with one episode of contact encouragement.
Rewind about 3 weeks and cracker was off to a new home and we were a one dog household. Now he's back. He was neutered yesterday and we are going to give it one more try. He's not a bad dog at all. He's just more energetic than we need around here right now, and concerns Blue more than us. Cracker pesters Blue and when Cracker is around Blue doesn't get the freedom that he normally does. Blue can be trusted in the house out of his crate, but Cracker can't. We'll see how he does now that he has been neutered. But that still doesn't solve the problem we may have in a year if Jared gets in to crna school. It would mean he would be living away from home during the week, leaving me with 2 kids, 2 dogs, and call nights. Not going to be easy. We'll see....
Now, this summer seems like we have fastforwarded more than just a couple of months. During the course of this summer we have gone from having a toddler to a big boy. Porter was potty trained in the spring, and we are still doing well with that minus a rare wet pullup in the mornings. He goes to the potty by himself sometimes, including emptying the tee tee from his little potty and flushing. He's pretty much mastered big boy utensils and cups, and we recently put the booster chair in the closet. He asked for several days where his chair was, but enjoys sitting at the bar. He goes to "school," brings home papers every day, and is constantly singing songs about letter sounds that that are learning. Alexander alligator, a, a, a (short a sound), and connie cow, c, c, c ("c" sound). He walks more than he is held, and holds my hand and walks with me in a store well on short trips.
We are working on the biting and pinching, and haven't had any episodes this week, but I certainly don't think that we are past it. If only we could work out the sleep issue. AGAIN!!! :/
Sitting at the bar eating cereal...

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