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Thursday, December 29, 2011
What a good big brother
That's the title of one of the big brother books we read before Stella was born. We are constantly repeating that now in hopes that loving to kiss and hold his little sister will continue.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Eventually I will get the pics of our "real" camera. Our laptop is in the shop right now, so I'm having to do everything with my phone. I will also post some comparison pics of porter and Stella--they are little clones. She looks just like porter.

Doesn't like the flash, but was liking her thumb!

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Doesn't like the flash, but was liking her thumb!
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10 months to 3 years
Compare this picture to the same one at 10 months old in the right side bar.

Porter still wants daddy to "fly him" by picking up the plane with him on it and "flying" around the house. They are very short flights these days. And there is a longer rest period in between.
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Porter still wants daddy to "fly him" by picking up the plane with him on it and "flying" around the house. They are very short flights these days. And there is a longer rest period in between.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Today is the day?!?!
I've been channeling the Mel Fischer theme (look him up) for the last week or so. I'm hoping that today really is the day!!
We are up and going!! The nurses got me up at 4:00 to get a shower and now I am on the monitor. I've been contracting some throughout the night, getting a little stronger and closer together. Nothing terribly impressive. Probably going to start the pitocin soon.
For some reason this old game comes to mind--"red rover, red rover, bring Stella right over." And I hated that game. Don't know....
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We are up and going!! The nurses got me up at 4:00 to get a shower and now I am on the monitor. I've been contracting some throughout the night, getting a little stronger and closer together. Nothing terribly impressive. Probably going to start the pitocin soon.
For some reason this old game comes to mind--"red rover, red rover, bring Stella right over." And I hated that game. Don't know....
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
What are we doing???
Salt dough ornaments
Porter's not much on the art projects, but I sure am, so yesterday we made salt dough ornaments. He does like helping me cook and do anything that's generally too much for a 3 year old or gonna make a mess, so this was right up his alley!!

He sampled the dough. Once. And then asked for something to drink.
We cut them out with cookie cutters and them they had to bake for about 5 1/2 hours. The recipe said 4-6 hours.

It was too late to paint them last night, so we did that this morning.

It started getting a little out of hand when he started painting himself, so we skipped to putting the lights on the Christmas trees. I had used his little index finger to indent the dough before they baked and then we used his finger again in the paint to make the lights.

Here are some other pictures. You can pretty much tell which ones he painted/picked the colors for. (purple snowman, orange Christmas tree....)

We did a handprint one..... I may be a little to heavy to hang as an ornament. We'll see.

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He sampled the dough. Once. And then asked for something to drink.
We cut them out with cookie cutters and them they had to bake for about 5 1/2 hours. The recipe said 4-6 hours.
It was too late to paint them last night, so we did that this morning.
It started getting a little out of hand when he started painting himself, so we skipped to putting the lights on the Christmas trees. I had used his little index finger to indent the dough before they baked and then we used his finger again in the paint to make the lights.
Here are some other pictures. You can pretty much tell which ones he painted/picked the colors for. (purple snowman, orange Christmas tree....)
We did a handprint one..... I may be a little to heavy to hang as an ornament. We'll see.
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Today is the day!!!
Well, maybe. It's at least the day we get the ball rolling on this whole L&D thing. We go in to the hospital today at 1:00 to start the process of induction. I would love to get it over with today, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I've been doing that a little too much lately and been disappointed day after day because I haven't gone into labor. Unlike last time, I'm rested, and pretty much everything is ready. I've almost been bored the last few days. This is not normally how my life is, and I know it will be back to "normal" as soon as Stella arrives. Well, a new "normal."
This morning porter and I made waffles. Now he and Jared are gone to look for deer tracks on the hunting land, and when they get back, we are going to paint the salt dough ornaments we cut out and baked yesterday. Around naptime we are taking porter to nana and Papa's house and then off to he hospital. Will update!!
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This morning porter and I made waffles. Now he and Jared are gone to look for deer tracks on the hunting land, and when they get back, we are going to paint the salt dough ornaments we cut out and baked yesterday. Around naptime we are taking porter to nana and Papa's house and then off to he hospital. Will update!!
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Friday, December 16, 2011
Christmas party
Today is porter's Christmas party at school. It is a pajama party. When I told him he was going to wear his pj's to school he told me in a very stern voice, "daddy said we don't wear pj's to school."
You're exactly right. So here is what he is wearing to his pajama party.

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You're exactly right. So here is what he is wearing to his pajama party.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Baby Jesus in a manger
Porter made this last night at mission friends.

After he left he carries it around all night because he had to keep baby Jesus warm. He told my mom that if baby Jesus got cold he would freeze and then he would break. Good thing Mary kept baby Jesus warm all those years ago.
Here he is this morning enjoying some yogurt. Yogurt resting on crossed knee. With his "abominamal snowman" pj's.

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After he left he carries it around all night because he had to keep baby Jesus warm. He told my mom that if baby Jesus got cold he would freeze and then he would break. Good thing Mary kept baby Jesus warm all those years ago.
Here he is this morning enjoying some yogurt. Yogurt resting on crossed knee. With his "abominamal snowman" pj's.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Porter talk
Granddaddy longlegs spider = long daddy spider
Rice krispie treat = ricepy krispie treat
Toys r us = toy story store
Kirk herbstreit = Kirk Kirk kirkastreit
One day when we were walking into the hospital he asked if he could run. I said yes, and he told me to run to. I said, "I can't run." He said, "I can run because I don't have Stella in my belly."
One morning when porter first got out of bed he said, "Mama, I'm ready for Stella to come out."
Porter asked where his sit-n-spin came from. I told him that jack gave it to him for his birthday. He asked, "Did Jack make it with his machine in his room?" I said no, and then asked if he had a machine in his room. He said, "No, only Jack has a machine in his room."
This afternoon Jared got candy canes to hang on our Christmas tree. When Porter got home from school Jared took him to see them, and porter said, "Daddy, these are not decorations. They are for us to eat. Get them off of there."
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Rice krispie treat = ricepy krispie treat
Toys r us = toy story store
Kirk herbstreit = Kirk Kirk kirkastreit
One day when we were walking into the hospital he asked if he could run. I said yes, and he told me to run to. I said, "I can't run." He said, "I can run because I don't have Stella in my belly."
One morning when porter first got out of bed he said, "Mama, I'm ready for Stella to come out."
Porter asked where his sit-n-spin came from. I told him that jack gave it to him for his birthday. He asked, "Did Jack make it with his machine in his room?" I said no, and then asked if he had a machine in his room. He said, "No, only Jack has a machine in his room."
This afternoon Jared got candy canes to hang on our Christmas tree. When Porter got home from school Jared took him to see them, and porter said, "Daddy, these are not decorations. They are for us to eat. Get them off of there."
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Wow! It's been a while...
I think this is as long as I've ever gone between posting. Some people may think that's not a bad thing.
Anyway, here's what's been going on....
It's Christmas at our house!!!
As we have been driving around town lately, when we pass a house or business with lights and decorations, porter says, "it's Christmas at their house!!"
I asked him a couple of weeks ago if it was Christmas as our house, and he said no, and that for it to be Christmas at our house we had to have lights on our house. So we hung some lights around the windows. Then I asked him if it was Christmas at our house and he said no, because we didn't have lights inside the house. I told him we have lights inside on our Christmas tree, and he proceeded to go through the house and point to all of the walls saying he wanted lights here, and here, and here.

We started simple. Maybe we'll add to it next year.
We were in the car one morning and porter was watching a movie on his DVD player, but the sun was coming in his window and he couldn't see the screen very well. He said, "mama, I'm gonna ask God to turn the sunshine off so I can see my movie." I just said ok, but explained to him while God could turn the sun on and off of he wanted to, that normally the sun was "on" during the day, and "off" at night, and that's the way God liked it.
A few minutes later, I'm guessing after he had requested that the sun be turned off so he could see his movie, he said, "God didn't turn the sun off."
Porter had his 3 year old well visit last week. When I picked him up to tell him where we were going he had some questions because the last few times we have been he has been sick and they pricked his finger to draw blood. This time he said, "what's that girl gone do?" as he was touching his index fingers together over and over in a pricking motion. He is a whooping 29lb and 36 3/4" tall. He is still <10th percentile for weight, but slowly catching up in height, and is between the 25th and 50th percentile. Pretty good since he started out below the 5th percentile for both. He was able to get the nasal spray flu shot (yea!!) and had a nice chat with Dr E. Dr E asked him what he was doing with my iPhone when he came in, and porter said, "um, reading a book." He told him that Santa was going to bring him "somefing" and that when Stella came he was going to put a hat on her head. Then he started his exam and was looking him over from head to toe. When Dr E pulled his underwear down porter alerted him as to what he would find there by saying, "that's my weenie." I'm sure Dr E has heard worse.....
The sand box. We have finally put sand in the bottom of his playhouse to make a sand box. Even if we had done it earlier it wouldn't have made much of a difference because the Mosquitos are so bad in our yard that you can't go outside. Two weeks ago when we were out there playing I was still getting bit.

38 weeks and counting!!!! Today I had my OB appointment and I and 2-3 cm, 75% effaced, and could go any day. I have been scheduled for induction Sunday if nothing happens before then. Yea!!! It's almost over.
Christmas sewing projects:

Baby leg warmers made out of women's knee socks. I am in love with baby leg warmers and I had someone tell me you could make them out of socks. Nannie and I gave it a try and here is our first two pair. We'll see how they fit when Stella shows up and adjust our strategy accordingly.

We also did shirts for porter and jack, but I don't have a dedicated picture of either one of those. Porter has been wearing it in previous posts though. They are both the same appliqué as Stella's but with red gingham and with fuzzy material.
Ok, this post contains entirely too much information. I will not go this long again, and if I do, I'll break up the posts.
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Anyway, here's what's been going on....
It's Christmas at our house!!!
As we have been driving around town lately, when we pass a house or business with lights and decorations, porter says, "it's Christmas at their house!!"
I asked him a couple of weeks ago if it was Christmas as our house, and he said no, and that for it to be Christmas at our house we had to have lights on our house. So we hung some lights around the windows. Then I asked him if it was Christmas at our house and he said no, because we didn't have lights inside the house. I told him we have lights inside on our Christmas tree, and he proceeded to go through the house and point to all of the walls saying he wanted lights here, and here, and here.
We started simple. Maybe we'll add to it next year.
We were in the car one morning and porter was watching a movie on his DVD player, but the sun was coming in his window and he couldn't see the screen very well. He said, "mama, I'm gonna ask God to turn the sunshine off so I can see my movie." I just said ok, but explained to him while God could turn the sun on and off of he wanted to, that normally the sun was "on" during the day, and "off" at night, and that's the way God liked it.
A few minutes later, I'm guessing after he had requested that the sun be turned off so he could see his movie, he said, "God didn't turn the sun off."
Porter had his 3 year old well visit last week. When I picked him up to tell him where we were going he had some questions because the last few times we have been he has been sick and they pricked his finger to draw blood. This time he said, "what's that girl gone do?" as he was touching his index fingers together over and over in a pricking motion. He is a whooping 29lb and 36 3/4" tall. He is still <10th percentile for weight, but slowly catching up in height, and is between the 25th and 50th percentile. Pretty good since he started out below the 5th percentile for both. He was able to get the nasal spray flu shot (yea!!) and had a nice chat with Dr E. Dr E asked him what he was doing with my iPhone when he came in, and porter said, "um, reading a book." He told him that Santa was going to bring him "somefing" and that when Stella came he was going to put a hat on her head. Then he started his exam and was looking him over from head to toe. When Dr E pulled his underwear down porter alerted him as to what he would find there by saying, "that's my weenie." I'm sure Dr E has heard worse.....
The sand box. We have finally put sand in the bottom of his playhouse to make a sand box. Even if we had done it earlier it wouldn't have made much of a difference because the Mosquitos are so bad in our yard that you can't go outside. Two weeks ago when we were out there playing I was still getting bit.
38 weeks and counting!!!! Today I had my OB appointment and I and 2-3 cm, 75% effaced, and could go any day. I have been scheduled for induction Sunday if nothing happens before then. Yea!!! It's almost over.
Christmas sewing projects:
Baby leg warmers made out of women's knee socks. I am in love with baby leg warmers and I had someone tell me you could make them out of socks. Nannie and I gave it a try and here is our first two pair. We'll see how they fit when Stella shows up and adjust our strategy accordingly.
We also did shirts for porter and jack, but I don't have a dedicated picture of either one of those. Porter has been wearing it in previous posts though. They are both the same appliqué as Stella's but with red gingham and with fuzzy material.
Ok, this post contains entirely too much information. I will not go this long again, and if I do, I'll break up the posts.
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Saturday, December 3, 2011
Random recent pics
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