It's been 3 months since Stella was born and 1 month since she was in the hospital. And boy has it flown by. But it seems like an eternity and no time all at the same time.
Here are some pictures from the last month.
Ambulance ride. This was the scariest day of my life.

Very rare smile from that week.

And here we are now. I think this is my favorite picture of Stella so far.

Showing off the little chick that Nannie made.

She enjoys the bumbo seat now.

Stella and big brother.

This was taken on the first day at Nannie's after we came home from the hospital. She has definitely chunked up since this picture. At her appointment last week she was 11lb 15oz. She was 10lb 1oz at her appointment with Dr E right after we were discharged. That's 2oz short of 2lb in less than one month. We have done some serious eating at this house.

She's still not sleeping all night, but consistently sleeps until 1:00-2:00, and then gets up in 3 hours after that. Progress is slow. Kinda. She was only getting up once a night before going to the hospital, but I think she has just been working really hard to gain weight, and that requires eating all nights long. Hopefully now that we have started doing cereal at night we are just around the corner from sleeping all night. Then if we could get porter to sleep all night we would be all set. I'm not sure I could sleep all night if I was drugged at this point. :)
Anyway, Stella is definitely a p pot--she prefers to be moving at all times, likes a bath, and doesn't like a swings or pacifiers. That's right, Flossie is pretty much a thing of the past. When we came home from the hospital she was a little obsessive about ole Flossie, so we took it away for a day of so, and she just moved on with life. Now Flossie is a fun toy for a moment, but nothing more. No pacifier at bedtime or anything. Those few nights of going to her room MULTIPLE times to put the paci back in her mouth made it easy to put up with a mildly cranky baby that wanted it. Plus she really needed to spend that sucking energy eating!!!
She is generally a happy baby now, as it seems we have passed the colicky stage, and I guess that's what we are going to call those crying spells. It definitely fit the description. Started at 3 weeks, lasted til 3 months, started around 3:00 in the afternoon, lasted for about 3 hours, and was 3 or more days a week..... Whatever it was, I wish it well. And don't let the door hit you in the @$$ on the way out!!! For the last couple of weeks our evenings have been much more peaceful. She is pretty ready to go to bed and takes her bottle very easily a little before 7:00 and is in bed asleep right at 7:00.
This next month will bring lots of fun stuff as I think she is just on the verge of laughing out loud and we will be starting back to daycare. Great times ahead! And hopefully healthy!!!!
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