This child has come alive. She is crawling, won't stay still for a diaper change, and is finding her little voice.

She loves her bath--crawls all over the bathtub and likes to splash. Her big brother pours water on her and squirts her with bath toys and she doesn't care. She loves to suck water out of the bathcloth or nerf ball and will work tirelessly to get to it if it is out of her reach.

She will not be still for a diaper change or putting clothes on. By the time we get to this point after bathtime we are both worn out from the struggle. She's like wrestling a squishy alligator that has gone into the death roll.

She has a serious "bits" addiction. If you give her this blanket she immediately grabs one of the little fringes and sticks her thumb in her mouth. It is so cute, but I wonder how cute it will be when this blanket is no longer yellow. I have thought about it. I recently purchased fabric to make a bits army. She now has two in the rotation with more to come.

Porter loves to hold Stella and he really want to, as he says, "hold her like mama does." Meaning on the hip with one arm. The problem is Stella is almost as big as him with no letting up in sight. He has outgrown some of her 6 month clothes and we are on the verge of having to buy 9-12 month pj's. And when she gets to that size I will need to buy pants with no footies because she will probably be walking before she is out of those. That just blows my mind. It seemed like porter would never walk, and I can't get over how fast it goes by with Stella.

Sleepy baby. Lately we have been having trouble with Stella sleeping at school. She ha one days where she only got a 20 minute nap all day, and routinely only sleeps for 1 - 1 1/2 hours all day. That's just not enough for Stella. She likes 2 long naps a day, so I have had a cranky baby in the evenings. It all culminated in an episode Wednesday and Thursday while I was in Montgomery to take my test, so starting next week porter and stella will be at a new school. Just in time for preschool to start for porter!!

Stella is my happy, content, quiet baby. She definitely likes certain people and is not too sure about everybody else. She is quick to give you the Pappie lip of she doesn't know you.

Stella likes porter but prefers to be a spectator most of the time. He can be a little rough and scares her when he is loud, but I am thankful that he is such a good big brother.

Stella is becoming more mobile, but is definitely not as active as porter was. She doesn't give this thing near the workout that porter used to.
Stella is eating stage 2 foods well and having snacks of puffs and juice in a cup. She also drinks formula from a cup now and we will probably be getting rid of bottles soon!! Now I just have to work on getting her to hold the cup herself.
This little girl has changed so fast in the last month. I can't imagine how different she will be to Jared next time he gets to see her.
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