This was my first Mother's Day! It was fun.... Porter and I went to Andalusia. Jared stayed in Mobile to hang out with Beau and Leigh. Porter had his 6 month pictures made at Vicki's. Of course, I've been dying to see them since the moment we left. Then we went up to Nannie's to work on a few onesies for him. He has outgrown all of the ones we made before he was born. Then we came home and went swimming. Last time we turned on the heat in the hot tub, but this time it was a little too warm outside for that, so we had to ease ourselves in. Porter wasn't sure what to think of cold water when we first got in, but he still seemed to enjoy it after he got used to it. He would always take a big deep breath in when I would lower him into the water a little bit more. Sunday after church the fam came over for food and swimming. Porter and I had to come back home, so he didn't get to swim. He was too tired anyway. When I got back, Jared was boiling crawfish in the front yard, so we had another big meal. I love big weekends, but I'm always a little too ambitious and am more tired than I was before the weekend started. But it sure was fun....
This is one of the new onesies we made this weekend.
You'll be seeing this outfit again. He wore it for some of his 6 month pictures. It's so sweet. And it makes those baby blues even brighter.
She was playing with Porter, and I came by and smelled a poopy diaper. I get him up and take him to change his diaper. Caroline is running being me screaming, "I want to see his butt."
Caroline's quote just cracked me up! Porter will have lots of fun with them when he is older.