The first few months seemed to drag by, and the middle months seemed regular pace, but the last couple of months have been warp speed--I can't believe Porter will be one year old in just a month. He has changed a lot in just a few weeks. I was looking at some pictures from the first football game as I was getting all my pictures loaded so I could post, and I couldn't believe how much he's changed since then. And he has got to be going through a growth spurt. He is drinking us out of house and home. We cannot keep up with his formula habit. I feel like all we do is mix up bottles right now. He still won't drink milk out of a sippy though. He will take a sip, and then let it run back out his mouth. Thank God we have the daycare to help us on this. I think we're all going to feel it whenever we try to make a serious effort to kick the bottle. Anyway, at 11 months......
Porter's favorite food is diced peaches.
His favorite tv show is Jack's Big Music Show.
His favorite movie is The Wiggles.
His favorite activity is bathtime.
His favorite word is ga-ga. (Still no ma ma :( )
His favorite toy is his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse airplane and the shapes that go with it.
He claps his hands when you say "Yea Porter!", makes indian noises with his hand and his mouth, feeds himself well, is trying to stand up alone, climbs up and down the stairs easily, and gives big slobbery open mouth kisses. He is also trying to copy the number of syllables we say, but not at all getting the correct sounds that go with it.
He has 4 teeth, and is still teething--2 more to go! And he is finally sleeping all night again!!!

Porter is getting so big. It does start to fly by and it is hard to keep up. I love this age with all the new skills they are learning.