Saturday I was on 24 hour call at the medical center. Bad. It was my last in house call EVER (I hope). Good! Jared had Porter on Saturday. Porter has not been himself lately--he's been tired and cranky at school, and I think Saturday was no exception. Bad. He took 2 naps. Good! Sunday morning when I got home we went to the grocery store, and I packed Porter and I up and we drove to Andalusia. Good! Porter was still cranky, clingy, whiny, and tired. Bad. We don't really have any idea what is wrong with him. Growth spurt? Teething? Just some weird stage? Still not feeling well from his "Febrile illness?" Don't know. Anyway, we had a good time in Andalusia visiting with all the family. Mama and Bill bought one of those big blow up water slides for the kids, and they had a blast! We are talking 9 foot tall, blow up with one of those big air pump things that have to stay on to keep it blown up. Sorry, I don't have any pictures. I'm sure everybody will be posting on Facebook. Maybe I'll just steal some of theirs.
Here is an internet picture of the waterslide.
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