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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Caroline's first *real* pedicure
I promised her that if she was good at school I would take her to get her toenails polished again. She has been, so we are at "the polish place" as she calls it. She said she wanted to put her feet in the water this time and that she was going to get the same color because it was so pretty.

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Monday, September 27, 2010
Porter + new chair
Porter's chair
I found a pattern for this chair a couple of months ago and thought it was very cute. I thought it would be neat to make one for porter and sylvie. Sylvie's birthday was coming up soon, and before we knew it, her birthday was just a few days ago. We got busy on hers and finished just in time. We made hers out of leftover material from her nursery stuff and it turned out very cute. We made porter's from the material we had left from making his new toddler bedding, except we didn't have enough of the brown, so I got brown minky dots. Here it is.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
R.I.P. Lightning tree
I don't know if I ever told the lightning story on here. I don't think I did. So here goes...
On august 16, there was a bad thunderstorm. I was at marvin's getting grout sealer and Jared called me to tell me he thought lightning had struck the computer. Great--what can I do about that at marvin's??? When I got home I was relieved to find out that the computer was ok, but it seemed as though the cable wasn't working. I got busy sealing the grout in the shower when I realized I needed more, so I sent Jared back to marvin's. He didn't get very far. He came back I'm the house to inform me that the truck wouldn't start and all the lights in the dash were on. And he showed me the tree beside the truck and it's streaks where it was missing bark and how it was strewn all over the truck and the yard. Here's the tree.

(Picture won't turn. )

And where the truck was parked in relation to the tree.

So apparently the truck was struck by lightning. A little while later we realized that it was warm in the house so jared went to bump the air down, and nothing happened. Lightning had gotten the a/c. We spent the next two nights at my parents until it was fixed. The truck was in enterprise for a little over a month getting the electronics replaced and yesterday and today we had workers removing the tree. It was infested with pine beetles and already the needles were turning brown. Here's the tree grave.

Nothing left but a little sawdust.
Glad this ordeal is finally behind us. It has been a hassle.
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On august 16, there was a bad thunderstorm. I was at marvin's getting grout sealer and Jared called me to tell me he thought lightning had struck the computer. Great--what can I do about that at marvin's??? When I got home I was relieved to find out that the computer was ok, but it seemed as though the cable wasn't working. I got busy sealing the grout in the shower when I realized I needed more, so I sent Jared back to marvin's. He didn't get very far. He came back I'm the house to inform me that the truck wouldn't start and all the lights in the dash were on. And he showed me the tree beside the truck and it's streaks where it was missing bark and how it was strewn all over the truck and the yard. Here's the tree.
(Picture won't turn. )
And where the truck was parked in relation to the tree.
So apparently the truck was struck by lightning. A little while later we realized that it was warm in the house so jared went to bump the air down, and nothing happened. Lightning had gotten the a/c. We spent the next two nights at my parents until it was fixed. The truck was in enterprise for a little over a month getting the electronics replaced and yesterday and today we had workers removing the tree. It was infested with pine beetles and already the needles were turning brown. Here's the tree grave.
Nothing left but a little sawdust.
Glad this ordeal is finally behind us. It has been a hassle.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Grossest moment of the day
I think I have enough material to do this daily....
While changing Porter's diaper this afternoon he got his own wipe to play with. He pretends to blow his nose and wash his hands, so it keeps him occupied for a few minutes. After changing him, I took his dirty diaper to the garbage and when I came back around the corner I witnessed him dipping his wipe in the toilet and then rubbing it through his hair. The entire back of his head was wet and he was quickly working on the top.
Here are some from the last few weeks....
I check my email on my phone in the evenings when Porter is in the tub. It is the only time after I get him that he is easy to watch and he entertains himself. Recently, he was in his own little world and I in mine, until, he handed me a turd. He had pooped in the tub and I guess he wanted to show me.
One afternoon we were at my mom's house and Porter was playing outside in the front yard. Being obsessed with spiders, he was walking around the yard pointing at everything and saying, "spiya?" He got very excited at one point and picked up something that looked to me like a small leaf and was calling it a "spiya" and brought it to me. It was a roach.
That's the ones that come to mind right now.... Eeewwww....
While changing Porter's diaper this afternoon he got his own wipe to play with. He pretends to blow his nose and wash his hands, so it keeps him occupied for a few minutes. After changing him, I took his dirty diaper to the garbage and when I came back around the corner I witnessed him dipping his wipe in the toilet and then rubbing it through his hair. The entire back of his head was wet and he was quickly working on the top.
Here are some from the last few weeks....
I check my email on my phone in the evenings when Porter is in the tub. It is the only time after I get him that he is easy to watch and he entertains himself. Recently, he was in his own little world and I in mine, until, he handed me a turd. He had pooped in the tub and I guess he wanted to show me.
One afternoon we were at my mom's house and Porter was playing outside in the front yard. Being obsessed with spiders, he was walking around the yard pointing at everything and saying, "spiya?" He got very excited at one point and picked up something that looked to me like a small leaf and was calling it a "spiya" and brought it to me. It was a roach.
That's the ones that come to mind right now.... Eeewwww....
Pictures from my "real" camera
Here are just some random pictures from the last few weeks that I have been too lazy to post because it involves hooking my camera up to the computer. (Have I said how easy it is to blog from my phone... ;) )
Don't say the S***** word at our house or you will have a toddler trying to strip off his clothes. "Ont showa." He loves it. And now we can oblige--there are two shower heads, so he can have his own while one of us uses the other.

Helping Daddy make sandwiches for work.

Ala vs Penn State. New Bama shirt.

Pictures from yesterday. The sucker incident.


Don't say the S***** word at our house or you will have a toddler trying to strip off his clothes. "Ont showa." He loves it. And now we can oblige--there are two shower heads, so he can have his own while one of us uses the other.

Helping Daddy make sandwiches for work.

Ala vs Penn State. New Bama shirt.

Pictures from yesterday. The sucker incident.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Poor 4 runner
Bye, love you!
That's what he said to me after I put him in the driver's seat of the 4 runner. He asks to drive all the time, and this afternoon after his many snacks he said, "I wanna drive, mama."
He thinks that he should be allowed to drive everywhere we go, and is pretty upset when he has to get in his seat. Only 14 more years.... Or maybe 10 or 11 since we live in Andalusia now. ;)

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He thinks that he should be allowed to drive everywhere we go, and is pretty upset when he has to get in his seat. Only 14 more years.... Or maybe 10 or 11 since we live in Andalusia now. ;)
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Monday, September 20, 2010
New food
Strawberries. He started eating them last week. Today when I picked him up from school and said he was the hungriest child in school. That is big news. He was asking for bananas, so we stopped at the pig (formerly corner market) and while we were in there he also asked for strawberries, grapes, cookies, drink, candy, and sucker.
I tried to get a picture of him eating a strawberry, but he devoured it before I could get it on camera.

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I tried to get a picture of him eating a strawberry, but he devoured it before I could get it on camera.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010
More hat pics
My commentary for the gotta go post (see pictures below)
When we walked out of the restaurant after lunch, porter started grabbing himself and saying tee tee, and then tried to pull his shorts down. I guess he's ready to potty train, huh? I didn't want to say, just pee--you have on a diaper, so we whipped it out beside the building. And he really did tee tee. So we just went to target and bought some pull ups. We haven't really been trying, buy definitely encouraging. We will be trying a little more now.
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Remember when???
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Bathtime video
Translation: Mickey mouse clubhouse = hotdog (because of the hotdog dance part). I don't know where the airplane stuff comes from. There is no airplane on the cup.
Also, be warned--there is a very enthusiastic noise in this clip. You may want to turn the volume down some.
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Also, be warned--there is a very enthusiastic noise in this clip. You may want to turn the volume down some.
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