Last night we were long looooonnng overdue for a little different strategy to get porter to sleep in his bed for more than 30 minutes to an hour at a time. And since porter plays Jared like a fiddle (actually like the whole band--and a big one--like the million dollar marching band) I knew I was going to have to put my plan into action when he wasn't home. So at bedtime last night, we read our books and got in bed. I covered him up, kissed him, told him I loved him, and finished off with the consequences of getting out of bed. The next 15 minutes were filed with said consequences followed by leading him back to bed, and repeating the speech. Oh and there was lots of crying and screaming "rock rock!" it took about 6 or 7 cycles before he was too tired to do it again or finally got the message. I sat down to peace and quiet for about 30 minutes before it started again. I guess he just needed to try one more time to see if the same thing would happen again and when it did he was satisfied enough to sleep without a peep until about 3:00am. Wooo hooo!!! At 3:00 when he started crying I went and stood by his door waiting, but he never opened it and went back to bed. He slept until about 5:30 and started again, but with less conviction.
So tonight at bedtime I was ready for a similar experience. Same routine as last night. And low and behold I put him to bed, closed his door and he cried for about 10 seconds and I have not heard another sound. Hallelujah!!!! I guess last night made a lasting impression. I pray it continues.
And good news from school today--he ate. Alot!!! And he ate butterbeans and yams, 2 foods he has been offered many times without even being tried. Actually I cooked sweet potatoes 2 weeks ago and he gagged on the bite I snuck on his spoon.

So to leave you with a better mental image than gagging on sweet potatoes, Roll Tide and happy college football weekend! :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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