Yesterday we went to pick out roses for Catherine, Caroline, and Sylvie, and while we were looking, Porter gasps, and says, "Got to get Mow-we's!" So we got Molly a rose, and Porter gave it to her this afternoon when we picked him up from school. Molly is very, very shy, and didn't know what to think about all this, and she kinda went the other way. Good thing Porter is just two, and doesn't really know the word "rejection" yet, because that's how I would categorize the events. Oh well, we're going to start early teaching him how to be sweet to girls. Here are some pictures. I have video of it all too. It's loading.

About here is when Molly starts backing up instead of going forward. Porter continues to pursue...

Now notice that Molly is hiding behind the slide...

We tried again....

At least she posed for pictures.

I don't know if I would say rejection. She's very excitable about it now that we are home. She won't stop talking about her Porter "fower". I think it was more likely the fact that she felt put on the spot. LOL. Porter is such a sweet boy, I told her if she kept this up he was going to get a new girlfriend. :)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I'm stealing these.