My parents, my sister, and Catherine and Caroline left for disneyworld last night, and Jared and porter left for mobile/the beach this morning. I am literally all alone this weekend. And I'm on call. Hmmm.... The problem with planning all kinds of fun stuff for me is the being on call part. I could be bored out of my mind, or work myself to death. I don't have a clue which one it will be. I have cautiously made a few plans, but the majority of the weekend is left open. I know that I will definitely not be cooking (not that I have cooked more than 2 meals in the last 6 weeks anyway). I'm ok with being bored, and I'm ok with working, so either way I don't think I'll be disappointed with how it turns out. I just want everyone to make it back home safely. And say a prayer for Jared's parents. They are in for a wild weekend.
Here is a picture of the p-pot right before they left.

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Have a wonderful weekend! I hope you get to hang out on a float in your parents pool or just lay on the couch or make a whole bunch of money. All that sounds good to me.