Well the blogging app on my phone has not been working, so I had to break down and find time to get on the computer. The only way that happens is when two kids are in bed, bottles and pumping dishes are washed, new bottles are made, and laundry is done. That's why it's been a week since I've posted. Maybe more. I can't even remember when I posted. We have reached a few milestones I haven't posted. First was Stella's one month birthday. Here are a few pics from that morning--January 19th.
Next was Stella's six week birthday and her first day at "school." The first pic below is from the day before she was 6 weeks old. I put that one in because she was wearing a new dress for church. So cute...

These are from her first day of school. Porter was excited she got to come with him and wanted to escort her to her room. She did great! She went two days this past week, and is going 4 days next week. She has been staying with Nannie the days she doesn't go to daycare. I'm so glad Nannie has gotten to spend so much time with my children. And I don't know what I would have done without her in the last 3 years!!
Work has been unbelievably busy. Combine that with the work that a 6 week old is, and we are just stressed to the max. My house is a wreck, laundry has been neglected, and a lot of eating out or not eating supper at all. Stella likes to be "vocal" in the evenings. Sometimes for several hours. This is our least favorite stage. We just keep reminding ourselves that it is a short stage and we just have to get through it. I have to remind myself too that it won't be this crazy forever. I went back to work when she was 3 weeks old, and most people take 5 more weeks off. I went back to work when Porter was 8 weeks old, and remember that even when he was 8 weeks old, I was still very busy with him all day long. Soon she will be a little less "needy" and hopefully I will start getting to eat supper again.
On the up side, she is sleeping great!!! Once we figured out that she really wants to eat a lot in the evenings and go to bed earlier than I was putting her down, life after dark has improved significantly. This past week she started sleeping from 7:30-ish until 2:00. The beginning of the week she got up again at 4:30, which was tough since it was only 2 1/2 hrs later and I was just getting into a deep sleep, but by the end of the week she had skipped that one and was only getting up once. And last night she slept from 7:30 until 2:45!!! Since I have been working, there have been no naps during the day when she was napping, so I have really really REALLY enjoyed the sleep.
So why am I wasting all this time blogging?!?! I'm going to bed!! ;)
She is a beautiful addition to a wonderful family... by the way...you need to add her name to the title of your Blog.... hint hint.. :)