Stella had her 4 month checkup this week (a couple of weeks late due to getting off with her shots while she was in the hospital). It has been a totally different experience with Stella because she was what I thought was a normal sized baby. Comparing Stella to porter, she seems like a giant, but I just thought it was because porter was so tiny. Well, she measured 26 3/4" at her appointment, which is well above the 95th percentile for height and was 14 lb 10 oz (75th percentile). So it's obvious she got the harden genes--tall and skinny. I just didn't realize how tall. Bless porter's heart. His little sister is going to be taller than him.
In other news, she has found her feet, has rolled over from tummy to back, and rolls from her back to her side. All of this in the last week.
She sleeps pretty good--until about 3:00 or 4:00 every night, and has slept all night both times away from home this past week!! I'm a little jealous of that. We are trying a quilt in the bottom of her bed to lay on to see if that's the difference.
She gets herself to sleep easily by just laying her in her bed.
She takes two good naps a day--9:00-11:00 an 1:00-3:00--if we are following her schedule.
She eats cereal with fruit for breakfast, a vegetable and half of a fruit jar at lunch, and cereal, fruit, and vegetable for supper. She is a pig!!
She sucks her thumb at night and is starting to find it some during the day and I think it is super cute. She likes to hold on the a burp cloth (cloth diaper) with thumb sucking hand.
She is turning into a very happy and easy baby despite a rough start of lots of crying and a stay in the hospital. We are not on any breathing treatments and hope to stay that way!!

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