One word--AWESOME!!! When we were at the beach last weekend I went to target and was gagging at the "flavors" of baby food produced by this company called Ella's kitchen. Seriously--puréed broccoli? There's no way if Stella will not eat green beans that she would eat that. I researched it a little more at home and was surprised to find that all of their products got great reviews and several reviewers reported that they gave them fl their toddlers as snacks and they loved them. I split an order with a friend that has a baby Stella's age because when you order them online they only come in 7 packs and I really didn't want to be stuck with 6 packs of broccoli if Stella didn't like it. But, she ate it up!! She ha broccoli, pears, and peas flavor tonight and ate it all. Porter looked in the box and wanted to pick one out himself and he got carrots, apples, and parsnips flavor. He tasted it and said it was good and sucked it down. Score!!! He did open the sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples, and blueberries later and said he didn't like it, but he technically ate carrots tonight, so I consider this a huge success. We will be getting more.

Stella in her exersaucer. I didn't get a pic of her enjoying the broccoli. I was too busy shoving it in her mouth while she was eating it. ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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