Last early in porter world refers to anything that has happened in the past. It may have actually been last night, yesterday, last time, last week, etc. It's all last early. Time is one concept we have not mastered yet. Right now he is also into asking for "5 more minutes" or some other number, but he has no concept of how long it may be. We just say the time is up whenever we are ready to move along to whatever we were timing. For example, at bath time he says, "I want to play in the tub for 5 more minutes" and that 5 minutes is always up exactly when I finish getting Stella out and dressed.
So, here are some pictures from bathtime last early. :)

On a completely different note, as I am typing this porter is sitting in my lap. He just pulled his shorts down in the front and I asked what he was doing. He said, "I'm just lettin' air in." Why?!?! He says, "I'm lettin' the old air our and some new air in." Proof that he belongs to his daddy. O. M. G.
Last early (this morning)...

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