He's trying out his vocal cords more too. His talking is getting louder and longer. He looks very serious when he is talking--like he is really saying something important. His favorite time to get on his soap box is right after he gets out of the bathtub. He had an almost squeal tonight when we were getting all his rolls powdered up. Next to that, his favorite is being on the changing table. Maybe it has something to do with being naked??? He is the Prince (some understand what that means more than others.....)
He is also enjoying watching the waterfall soother in his bed. If he is not quite asleep when I put him down he will just lay there and watch it. Tonight I when I left his room he was still watching it and then went right off to sleep. Hopefully he will sleep good! Last night he got up at 3:00am. He got out of his routine last week, but is slowly getting back to normal. I know Nannie is ready for him to sleep good too, since she has been getting up with him at night when she is here. She is spoiling both of us.
Well aren't you the computer savvy one? I am going to need some lessons...obviously in your spare time HA! Todd gave me your blogspot address so we can keep in better touch. I will add you to our blog too! Hope you and your family have a fun four weeks together and the house is in one piece when Jared gets home!