But, it's not actually swinging. Just reclining... In front of the TV. You can't see what he is staring at, but rest assured it is Noggin--Channel 266 (got that one memorized). Nannie stayed with us part of last week and she pulled the swing over to where Porter could sit in it and watch TV. Don't tell him that they make TVs bigger than that one. He thinks it's a big screen.
Before now the swing was just sitting empty (and still) in front of the fireplace. I thought all babies loved to swing??? You should be able to not buy anything before babies arrive, and take them to Babies-R-Us to shop once they get here to test drive all this stuff. We could have saved Nana a lot of money on a swing if we had done that.
When Jared was a baby he would start screaming inside a minute if his swing quit swinging. Kim and I would scramble to wind it up, lest we awaken the beast. Porter must not have the swing gene. But he seems to have the TV gene.