Porter slept all night!! (Like this is a new trick...) He and Nicole were asleep when I got home this morning at 6:30, so I didn't know who was more worn out, but when Nicole got up she said he didn't get up at all. We had a big day planned, so it was a good thing he was well rested. If we had only known how the day would go we might have tried to put him back to bed after breakfast. We got ready and went to the mall over in Mobile so that I could use the baby Gap card we got as a baby gift. We got Porter a couple of onesies and a really cute pair of shorts. We walked through a couple of other places, and went to eat at Chik-fil-a. Porter decided he was ready for lunch too, but I had not brought his bottle in the mall. I had to high-tail-it back to the car and get it, and I could hear him before I could get back to Chik-fil-a. I ran to the bathroom to warm the bottle under the hot water, and I learned that it is not a very effective way to warm a bottle. A lady at the table next to us told us to go to Starbucks and ask for a cup of really hot water. She is a genius! That works great--the water was hot enough Nicole burned her finger, and Porter got his bottle faster. The lesson was two-fold---the Starbucks water trick, and that Porter will
notdrink a cold bottle. After he ate, he was ready for more. He really enjoyed the mall. He was a very loud talker. After the mall we went up to the hospital, but for once it wasn't for work. The medical students put on a "skit night" every year that is kinda like a comedy night where anybody can submit videos they have put together or put on a little skit. They also hand out funny awards. It's a lot of fun. The female surgery residents are putting together a music video with our own words to the new Britney Spears song "Circus." Today we met to do some of the filming. We've been doing a little here and there for the last couple of weeks, but we needed a time where more of us could get together to do some of the big scenes. It's going to be really cute. I think we will put it on You Tube after we release it at skit night. Porter did not like it very much at all. It meant that we interrupted his afternoon nap, and we paid for it dearly. He was not in a good mood. He finally got some good sleep on the way home, and he is still asleep as I type.
Tonight Nicole and I were planning on going out to eat, but after this afternoon, we have decided we will just order in.
Here are a few pictures from today. I might get more to post later this evening.

Actually I think Porter was just mad b/c you didn't buy him a pair of three dolla sheeeeews at Baby Gap. Just a thought.