Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sam's Trip--First time in a buggy!

I'm already feeling sorry for my second child.  I stopped to take pictures of Porter in Sam's this afternoon.  It was his first time in a shopping cart/buggy.  An important occassion....  For a first child.  I may not remember my second child's first few months if I'm chasing this one around, trying to be a surgeon, and keeping up with the absolutely never-ending pile of housework.  Why am I even thinking about a second child?  What's wrong with me?  Oh yeah, we'll be in Andalusia--Nana's house here we come!!!

Porter's favorite new face---the "O" sign.


  1. Love the O face! I feel you on the never ending housework! We went to Sam's today too- inexpensive lunch:) Obviously Porter sleeps well at night if you are even considering a second child- here at the Wilson's - Jack may be an only for quite some time!

  2. Looks like we also visited the same aisles in Sam's - detergent and diapers!
