Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This could get confusing

I only have 6 bottles of pills. I'm going to have to get on if those little pill boxes that have sections for different times of the day to keep up with this. 2 antibiotics (one is for my kidney and the other is one i've been taking for "the plague" I've had for the last week), 2 kidney medicines to help with moving things through, 2 different pain medications, and 1 for nausea. I guess that actually makes 7. I haven't had to take anything for nausea yet, but I might over the next couple if days if I have swelling in my ureter because that can cause distention, which causes nausea. I experienced that on Monday, and it wasn't fun. Every time I moved I would vomit (or try to), but since I hadn't had anything to eat, it was a lot more of nothing. I am pretty tired and just feel like I had surgery I guess. I'm not going to work tomorrow, and probably won't until Monday. I'll just have to see how all this swelling and stone fragment passing goes.

-- Posted from my iPhone

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