Saturday, December 15, 2012

Plenty of time to blog today!!

I had to pull up my blog to see what my last post was. I have got to play catch up. Nothing major has happened, I don't think, but I have lots I random pictures and thoughts I need to record. I keep thinking that this I my way of scrapbooking, and that one day I will make a hard copy of this thing....
As has been the usual fashion when I do these catch up days, I will have multiple small posts. My phone and the cellular network prefer it that way.
One pic to start us off--this is the p pots having breakfast in bed. "Bars" as they are called. Big mistake for Stella. She turned her bar into crumbs. I had to change the sheets. This is the first time she would actually lay back and chill in bed though. She mostly thinks this bed is a trampoline.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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