Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh no!! Sick porter. (funny to anybody that's been around porter lately)

Porter developed fever Sunday around 11:00 am. The nursery worker came and got me out of church to tell and and hand him over. I must have been loopy after that because I decided to take him back in church. After we sat down I thought "what have I just done." porter can't sit through a commercial, much less through 20 or so more minutes of a sermon. Surprise!!! He did just that. And with little direction. He actually fell asleep before the sermon was over and slept through the announcements and the closing worship song. I knee he must really be sick.
He slept all the way home with little rosy cheeks. I just happened to have some Tylenol in his bag so I gave him some.
Then at bathtime, I noticed hr had chill bumps all over, but the water was quite warm. I got him out, dressed him and gave him more Tylenol but he was already spiking a big temp. It was 102.7 before I took it out from under his arm, so I imagine it was at least 103. He went right to sleep--at 7:00pm.
We were only up once during the night last night for some Tylenol and Jared called this morning for a doctor's appointment. I really hate to be that parent that shows up every time my child has a runny nose or little fever, and usually give him a day or so before I will give in. Today I just decided to go ahead and go. And I am glad we went. They did a CBC and his WBC count was 13.8, with a left shift and a few bands--indicating a bacterial infection rather than a regular ole virus. We have antibiotics and ear drops. Dr E didn't pinpoint it, but didn't want it to go to his ears or settle in his chest. He does already have a nasty cough. I just can't put him in his own bed with fever and such, so he'll be our little heater again tonight. I just can't bear the thought of him being in his own bed and something bad happening and me not even know it. I know I'm paranoid because of my background, but I would rather have to deal with maybe changing our sheets or snuggling a little bit to some of the alternatives I've seen.
But now maybe I'll be a little more paranoid to begin with and just take him to the doctor early.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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