(Wrong end, buddy.)
Saturday--we went to the beach, and it was a good time, but the weather was pretty crappy. It was windy and cloudy, the water was ugly and had a lot of foamy stuff washing up (no oil), and it was kinda chilly. We still got some sun on our pasty bodies (high on my priority list this summer) and made the best of it. No pictures this time though. It was hard enough trying to keep everything from blowing away and keep Porter from being swept out to sea--he still loves the water.
Monday--Friday--we have had a fairly normal week. I am thoroughly enjoying being back on days and getting to do normal mommy things at night. Some people really take all the reular mundane things for granted, but I enjoy every minute of it. I would rock him to sleep every night if he would let me, but he's getting to be too big for that apparently, because most nights he just points to his bed.
He ate good all week, and is still loving his green beans. This week we tried corn and sweet potatoes again and they just ended up on the floor. And in one fit of throwing food some bluberry applesauce ended up on the ceiling. We noticed that this afternoon. And I am again eating words--I swore I would never have hamburger helper again when moved out on my own, but this week we got excited when publix had them buy one get one free. It's quick and easy, and Porter eats them all. Not what I always envisioned my child eating for dinner, but at least he is usually eating it, and at a decent hour.
I think I have scrubbed the purple glaze from my little boy and the handprints from the side of the tub. We have a new dose of tylenol on board, plans in place for making a doctor visit tomorrow, and daddy is on an ice cream run. Settling in for the evening....
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Girl, i am right there with you with the rocking but my son will still let me rock him. As a matter of fact, that is how he goes to sleep every weekend for his nap and a couple of nights during the week. It is mainly because I want to not because he needs it. i just love doing it!! We also eat hamburger helper because my kids love it. Sounds like our households are very similar in many ways!! I miss you lots.