Thursday, July 22, 2010

Transition time

I wouldn't even call this a transition. It is more like our life has been turned upside down and shaken. Porter and I are mostly staying at Mama and Bill's and Jared is in Daphne so he can work. Porter mostly goes to his new school, but has also stayed with various relatives and babysitters so that I can try to work on the house. He is so scared that I am going to leave him somewhere that he cries every time we go somewhere, so I've been trying to keep the new people and babysitting to a minimum. He is having an adjustment at his new school too. Yesterday before we even turned in the drive he started saying, "no," "no" in the most pitiful voice and was crying before I got him out of the car. Today was a little better and I only got little whimpers when we pulled in and he didn't start crying until we got inside. Yesterday afternoon we went up to my Nannie's and he didn't want to go inside. Probably because he thought I was going to leave him there. How pitiful. Anyway, tomorrow is moving day, so we are fast on our way to a little stability.
I will have to post our construction progress in another post because those pictures are on my phone. I will have to find a spot in town that has free wi-fi or else it might not go. We don't have the right password to get on wi-fi at my parent's house, and there is no 3G for about 100 miles from here. I'm serious.
When we came back to Andalusia this time, I brought Porter's trains so he would have something besides dolls, strollers, and kitchens to play with. He has a tractor, but I feel like I'm melting when we go outside, so tractor time has been cut short a lot.

One of Porter's favorite phrases right now is, "it's raining," even when it's not. When I was taking pictures of him playing with his trains, he got up and went to the door and said, "it's raining!" and I said, "no it's no--oh, you're right. It is raining." The sun was shining, but it was pouring. It was funny at the time. Guess you had to be there.

One last thing. Porter loves to see pictures or videos of himself on my phone. He was just as excited to see himself on the display screen of my new camera when I tried to take a picture of us.

1 comment:

  1. Your new camera takes beautiful pictures- of course the people in the pictures are adorable too so that never hurts;) Hope the transition is almost over for Porter and that things are back to a new normal
